That can only be the war in Yemen. This is a truly disgusting and cynical war; Yemen is almost impossibly poor, and is no threat to the United States in any conceivable reality, and your United States government is aiding and abetting the butchers that are the house of Saud in what amounts to the most lopsided partisan religious persecution of all time. This is a "war" fought for no purpose, with no defined endpoint, and with no objective other than the wholesale slaughter of helpless children, all to curry political favor with oil-rich barbarian war-chiefs.
Now, just because I labeled this an Obama war, don’t think I’m leaving the new guy off the hook. I was wholeheartedly in favor of giving him a chance, but at this point he’s had it, and he’s officially blown it. If the Trump administration can’t even see through this most insincere of all wars, it clearly has never seen and will never see a war it doesn’t like. All we can hope for at this point is that maybe they won’t start quite as many new ones as the last administration did.
Anyhow, I was prepared to write a whole entire diatribe on the Yemeni war — which CNN, ever the obedient lapdog of the warfare state, dutifully labels "stepping up military assistance to support Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in their fight against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels who have toppled the central government there… while Yemen is a key location for a top al Qaeda affiliate" — but given that Justin Raimondo’s already written it better than I would, it’s probably best that I just send you to him. Here’s J-money, as we call him in Ancapistan:
Let the liberals, the lefties, the "liberal-tarians" virtue-signal to their hearts’ content, while the children of Yemen are sacrificed on the war god’s bloody altar. The rest of us have work to do.
We’ll work with what we have, and do our job – which is to address the majority of the American people, who have long suffered under the War Party’s reign and are finally beginning to rebel in their own uninformed, inconsistent, and inchoate way. Our job is to inform them, point out the inconsistencies of those they’ve placed their trust in, and show them the way forward. We don’t shrink from it: indeed, we embrace our task — because there is no alternative.
Los ouch, as I’d say if I weren’t concerned about finding myself on the wrong end of a one-way[citation needed] wall. It’s ridiculous and disgusting that so many Americans are so caught up in utterly phony anti-Russian (or anti-ISIS, for that matter) hysteria that they can’t step back and take a hard look at what’s being done in their name, with their money, to innocent children half a world away. That probably matters a bit more.